Thursday, December 03, 2009

Google bomb needed

Even though I actually do not post, I should set this up for a bit to help google bomb the haters at as a result, I am copying Meryl's post.

Put a permanent link to Judaism 101’s main page, and bring it back up above the haters. I’ve added it to my blogrolls. It’s a great site for information about Judaism and Jews. Here is a post talking about it and using the word “Jew” in the link.

Three little letters, and they cause so much anguish to the haters. Jew. Jew. Jew.


  1. Hi Sabbah Hillel,

    It looks like the blogging bug got to you eventually. Good.

    I hope you don't find it presumptuous if I link up to your place.


  2. Not presumptuous. but I think that you will be disappointed in how rare the postings will be. Most things are handled so much better by others. Also, it is difficult to find the time to to actually write posts. BTW, where should I point to put you into the link list?
